Friday, July 25, 2014

Learning Success Review

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Learning Success Review

Is your child having trouble in school?
The learning success program is a simple do-at-home program that will show you how to find the core problems and overcome them. Learning is made up of basic core skills. There are 16 of them in all. Typical learning difficulties are small weaknesses in a combination of two or three of these skills. Helps overcome learning difficulties such as:
  • Dyslexia  
  • Dyscalculia  
  • Dysgraphia  
Each of these terms simply means that there is a weakness in two or more of these basic learning skills. But it doesn't define which. Once you get started in the course you'll quickly find the trouble spots. Once you do that your child will be on the path to learning success. You will learn simple exercises that strengthen the skills needed for successful learning. Modern scientific breakthroughs have discovered a number of methods for overcoming these problems. Once you do your child will actually enjoy homework.



I love love love love love this amazing program. I have two kids ages 5 and 10 who both suffer from ADD/ADHD. My 10 year old sons case is a lot  more sever than the 5 year old's. We started noticing about age 5 that he was having issues outside the realm of "normal" unlike other kids his age. He struggled terribly in the first few years of school. Not for his intellect but for his behavior and was reprimanded by the school system for acting out pretty regularly;y.  One day we finally could take no more and started to search for an answers as to why he was an angel at home yet so disruptive at school. ADD/ADHD was the answer. At home he feels more relaxed and comfortable and is in his comfort zone. If you take him out of that then he can become hard to manage at times. Not too long ago we had a very very scary experience that changed the way I will view and treat this disease the rest of my life and my children's lives. My son at age 10 had a failed suicide attempt after his doctor upped in his meds for the 5th time (against my best judgement and openly vocal concerns to his pediatrician). He attempted by purposely opening and overdosing on the exact same medicine we were trying to use to help his ADD/ADHD. Needless to say we immediately stopped all ADD/ADHD meds. We actually had him taken to Payton Manning Children's Hospital which is recognized nationally for its extreme excellence and providing the best of the best in care. Several of his specialty doctors there told us that the meds could have weighed very heavy in influencing him to commit the very act of suicide if his body wasn't cooperating with the chemicals correctly.
We have been working this new (DRUG FREE) program Learning Success and it seems to be working great so far. We have not been using it all that long. Two weeks and it not only provides activities that we can do as a family and use to spend time with one another, it also provides activities geared toward training the brain TO NATURALLY SLOW DOWN IN FUN WAYS!!! I WHOLE HEATEDLY RECOMMENDED THIS COURSE WITH A HUGE 5****RATING and give MY PERSONAL THANKS TO THE CREATORS.....WELL DONE...:)

AS ALWAYS THANK YOU FOR READING AND...Peace Love and Sunshine!!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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